Our mission at Volunteer Energy Cooperative (VEC) is to provide our consumers with reliable, safe, and efficient services in a courteous and timely manner at a competitive cost.
VEC History
VEC has been serving its consumers/owners since 1935. Learn more about the formation and the operations of your electric cooperative on Our History page.
VEC Board of Directors
VEC is an electric cooperative that provides the opportunity for our consumers/members to serve on the Cooperative’s governing board. There are 12 board members who serve rotating terms to represent the various portions of the VEC service area. Each year, three of these districts hold elections for those who are interested in representing their area on the VEC Board of Directors. Any VEC consumer/member who meets the qualifications of the VEC Bylaws as an eligible candidate is eligible to run for the Board. See the VEC Bylaws.
Candidate Qualification
Each year, a schedule is set by the VEC Board of Directors in conjunction with the timeline contained in the VEC Bylaws. A Notice of Election is published in Powerlines, the Cooperative newsletter, around mid-April. Interested candidates can pick up election packets from the VEC Corporate Office, normally in late May. These packets detail the process for qualifying as a VEC Board candidate. Qualifications include providing information and petitions with the signatures of at least 50 Cooperative members. The deadline for this material to be submitted is typically early June.
Director Election
A Credentials Committee, consisting of appointed members of the VEC Board of Directors, will review all submitted election materials and validate the eligibility of each potential candidate. Biographical information is published in Powerlines and is also included in the ballots. Ballots are typically mailed in late August and must be received by mid-September. Ballots are mailed directly to the address on file for each member that is eligible to vote in the Cooperative district in which there is a contested election. Completed ballots are mailed back directly to an independent auditor who records and counts the votes and validates the ballots. In the case of an uncontested election, no ballots are mailed. There are no at-large Director positions; candidates are elected by the membership within their respective districts.
Tools of the Trade
VEC’s 32-page Tools of the Trade magazine features photos, graphs, maps, and easy-to-read explanations about the tools, equipment, and personnel VEC employs to bring electricity to you.
Annual Report
Financial statements and highlights of the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year: 2021-2022 Annual Report
VEC Bylaws
VEC operates on a set of principles designed to ensure democratic control and fiscal responsibility. Click here to view the full text of VEC’s Bylaws.