New Service Information
To sign up for new electric service with Volunteer Energy Cooperative, prospective members will need to fill out and sign the cooperative’s Application for Membership and Required Additional Information forms. Prospective members will also need to produce identification that satisfies federal “Red Flag” guidelines.
Prospective members are encouraged to print the Application for Membership and Required Additional Information forms as well as review the identification requirements linked below before applying for service at their local VEC Customer Service Center.
A security deposit may be required. Please see the link below for additional information.
Office Email Addresses:
Residential or Commercial Property?
The residential and commercial application process are quite similar, but if you are applying for a commercial property, please visit this page.
Main Application Documents
To Visit a Location Close to You
Set Up Automatic Drafts
When you sign up for new service you may also want to consider signing up for VEC’s Automatic Bank Draft program. You’ll never have worry about writing a check or coming into the office to pay your bill. For more information, use the link below.
New Service Specifications
VEC wants to assist you with ensuring your new service is properly installed and safe. Therefore, we require each new service to adhere to certain quality standards.
Below are the VEC specifications for some of the most commonly-used new services. Because each installation of electric service is somewhat unique, we can work with you on your specific situation. Contact your local VEC service center if you have specific questions or a unique situation.