Levelized Billing

Levelized Billing is a predictable cycle. Each year, electric consumers experience “sticker shock” as temperatures dip in the winter and more electricity  is used to heat their homes. In the summer, the same shock occurs as warmer temperatures require air conditioning units to use more  electricity.

As a result, many Volunteer Energy Cooperative members see electric bills spike in the winter and again in summer due almost exclusively to  increased usage brought on by temperature fluctuations. The Levelized Billing option helps to guard against these unexpected high bills.

Levelized Billing calculates an average cost based on a 12-month moving average of electric usage. Members on Levelized Billing do not experience a yearly “true-up” – the average simply re-calculates each month. As the name implies, the goal of Levelized Billing is to make members’ bills more level.

Levelized Billing smooths out most of the fluctuation in the amount a customer pays, and is  available to VEC customers with previous usage history and good payment history.

To enroll in Levelized Billing, sign up through SmartHub, or contact your local VEC service center.

Eligibility Requirements for Levelized Billing Sign Up:

  • Residential account
  • The AR balance must not be past due.
  • The AR balance must be $0.00 or less.
  • The account must have at least 12 months of usage history
  • The account has not unenrolled in Levelized in the past 12 months
  • No History of Meter Tampering