Don’t Let Thunderstorms Come as a Shock to You
As temperatures start rising, so do the chances of thunderstorms. And when thunderstorms hit, lightning can be a serious threat to personal safety. It can also cause power outages and create serious problems for your electronic equipment and electric appliances. The best atmospheric scientists in the world cannot determine exactly when or where lightning will strike, but there is one thing we can be certain of – it will strike. And when it comes to thunderstorms and lightning, the best defense is to be prepared. VEC also offers surge protection that can help protect your homes electronics and appliances from electrical spikes that often occur during thunderstorm season. For more information about Surge Guard under Products on our website. Lightning has been known to strike more than 10 miles from the storm in an area of clear sky above. So just looking up at the sky may not provide a true indication of whether or not a threat exists. It’s also important to prepare a thunderstorm/power outage kit that includes: • Canned/packaged food • A manual can opener • Fresh water (bottled) • Blankets • Battery-operated radio • Flashlight with fresh batteries • Extra batteries. It’s also important to prepare now by making sure VEC has your correct phone number on file. This insures an outage at your home can be restored in the most efficient way.
During a thunderstorm: • Do not take a shower or bath. Water and copper tubing are excellent conductors of electricity. • Stay away from windows. A central location in the house in an area away from doors and windows is the safest. • If your power goes out, immediately report it to VEC and then avoid using the phone. (Phone lines may also conduct electricity.) • Never touch downed power lines. Dial 911 or VEC immediately to ensure that the line is turned off so repairs can be made.
During a power outage: • Report the outage immediately to VEC. • Unplug major appliances to prevent a system overload when power is restored. Gradually plug in and turn on appliances after power is restored. • Avoid opening your refrigerator and/or freezer. The appliance will keep food fresher longer if the door is kept shut. • Use battery powered flashlights rather than candles whenever possible to avoid the threat of fire.