TVA Working to Restore Power to VEC Substations
11:00 am – Power restored to the Macdonald substation by TVA. All customers affected by the outage have power. Thank you for your patience.
Early this morning a tree fell on the TVA transmission lines running along Highway 64. TVA and Cleveland Utilities are working with VEC to restore power to the McDonald substation using the East Cleveland Substation.
8:00 am – Power has been restored by TVA at the Ocoee substation. Approximately 1,600 VEC customers are still affected by the outage at the McDonald substation. TVA crews are working to restore the remaining customers.
5:30 am – TVA is experiencing a power outage which is affecting the VEC Ocoee and McDonald substations in the Bradley/Polk County areas. About 6,300 VEC customers are without power. TVA crews are working to correct this issue. Thank you for your patience.