VEC Completes 19 Year Project
Over the last 19 years, Volunteer Energy Cooperative (VEC) has completed 26 major substation projects. On January 24, we de-energized the 69kV McDonald Substation in south Bradley County. This substation was the last old TVA Substation on the VEC system that had not been replaced or rebuilt.
This represents a significant accomplishment for all the current and former VEC employees that have been involved in these projects. TVA has also been a major contributor providing new delivery points, which have helped over the years.
Rody Blevins CEO and President stated, “Today VEC has one of the strongest, most up-to-date and technologically advanced substation fleets of any Cooperative in the country.” Blevins went on to say, “These substation assets should serve our members well for decades to come.”

West Fairfield is the newest substation and has advanced technology and controls.